Quick Tips for Holiday Gift Giving

Make your holiday gifting a success and use these holiday gifting tips!

  • Give graciously, receive graciously; Be elegant.
  • Quality, quality, quality.
  • Make it personal – include a small note or card with a sincere thought, or write a note that briefly talks about the gift and why this gift is special.
  • When re-gifting, remove any tell tale signs i.e. broken seals, torn or worn corners, store dates on inside box lid, crinkled tissue, and musty smells.
  • Be very creative when the budget is low – remember perceived value not actual value.
  • Completely stumped? A heartfelt handwritten note with an invitation for lunch, a beach walk, coffee, dinner will often do just fine.
  • Give something that is functional but one that the gift recipient may not necessarily buy for themselves i.e. A small art glass bowl can be used for paper clips or condiments!
  • Send boutique, hand made chocolates, whenever you can! It is the perfect corporate or personal gift – the more luxurious, the better!
  • Presentation is everything and just as important as the gift.
  • Surprise, delight, and gratitude are three emotions a gift should evoke.
  • Be sensitive to cultural and religious differences.