President’s Club 2019

In this complex world of today, figuring out how to recognize and retain your top talent has taken
on a new paradigm not seen even 10 years ago. Companies thirst for what motivates and inspires employees to be their best such that their contributions add to the bottom line of shareholder and stakeholder value.

From cool office perks to healthcare coverage to paid time off, the matrix of combinations is infinite.

Yet, what hasn’t changed is that people like to be recognized, appreciated and valued. It is our human nature (assuming your employees are humans!).

Whether saluting your best of the best with ice cream, helicopter rides or a trip to the Caribbean, creating an icon symbolizing achievement is a visual reminder of knowing you are recognized and appreciated.

Using good design and style, our tailored-made awards raise the bar for quality employee engagement initiatives by enhancing the experience, contributing to a positively enduring impact on performance. Well-conceived design evokes the company’s brand and stimulates conversations, which in turn, reinforces your message. Reinforcing corporate culture motivates employees, board, shareholders and stakeholders, sending a clear picture of your values and purpose.

It is remarkable how a well-designed award representing your culture and community, can unite, motivate and innovate. So simple.