Respecting One’s Culture

The importance of showing appreciation and gratitude is amplified with the Year of the Dragon, as this legendary creature of myth and legend is a symbol of good fortune, great deeds, innovative ideas and big projects. From a business perspective, recognizing this important Chinese zodiac sign shows respect, which helps cultivate and strengthen goodwill among colleagues. Mutual respect, the cornerstone of every relationship, is essential to optimizing customer and client loyalty, referrals and customer satisfaction.

Successful business is founded on successful relationships. Respect fosters and solidifies business in the following ways:

  • Signals ethical intent
  • Communicates there’s “no hidden agenda”
  • Demonstrates teamwork and partnership, sharing knowledge and experiences
  • Creates transparency
  • Is tangible evidence of attention and care to the other person
  • Shows you are interested in the other persons’ point of view
  • Gives credibility when honoring commitments and delivering on your brand promise
  • Indicates your willingness to relate to the other party in the spirit of win/win

Sending a token of appreciation recognizing the Chinese New Year is one measure in fortifying existing relationships and opening new ones. Engendering goodwill is a helpful ally to long term business engagements.

Looking for business gifts when visiting Asia? Need advice on international etiquette do’s and don’ts? Contact us at or call us at 949-631-2727 x 202 and we’ll help guide you through the process.