Motivating A Multi-Generational Workplace
Statistically, over 80% of the workforce indicate they are motivated to work harder, and stay at their jobs longer, when receiving appreciation for their work. Recognition, when woven into a company’s culture and brand, has a significant impact on employee engagement and retention. The legacy employee “years of service” programs are less effective in inspiring…
The Power of a Diverse Workforce
Acknowledge your trailblazers with an icon symbolizing their bold thinking and commitment to unite people from different cultures and experiences: Leaders committed to changing the equation for diversity. The Multiplier Effect – Acknowledge leaders sponsoring one diverse person to the next level of their career. Colleagues – Give a Spotlight Award to those internal teams…
The Art of Enchantment
A recent Gallup poll showed that 70% of employees are “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” at work — many leaders are looking for solutions. What are the effective drivers of long-term well-being? Enchantment defines a relationship with employees that is deep, delightful, and long-lasting. If you can enchant your employees, they will work harder, longer, and smarter for…
Win in the Marketplace by Rewarding Top Talent
AT&T CEO and Chair Randall Stephenson recently said “There is a need to retool yourself, and you should not expect to stop…People who do not spend 5 to 10 hours a week in online learning will obsolete themselves with the technology”. He states that for organizations to win in the market, they must help their…
A Performance Culture Drives Success
A key element of a best-in-class performance management program is recognition and rewards. A comprehensive study by HBR indicates that the foundation of a company’s culture – the core values posted on a company website – is insufficient to promote widespread understanding and indoctrination. A company’s true values reveal themselves when managers execute hard choices,…